Home of the Blue Devils
Gull Lake Athletics
Boys 7th Grade Basketball
Team News.
Team News
3.0 years ago @ 9:12AM
2021 MS Boys Basketball Tryout Information
Boys Basketball tryouts are right around the corner! Make sure you are prepared!
- Tryout Dates: October 25, 26 and 27
- Tryout Times: 7th Grade: 3:00 - 4:30 pm; 8th Grade: 4:30-6:00 pm
- You must wear a shirt that can be written on for tryouts
- You MUST have your Student Central account (planeths.com) complete including a valid physical prior to tryouts. To complete your online registration follow this link: https://goglbluedevils.com/
main/otherad/contentID/ 52890564. - If you played a sport this fall you are all set! Just make sure you select basketball as a sport of interest.
- We DO NOT accept paper forms of your physical. They MUST be uploaded to your Student Central account (planeths.com)
- You must be passing at least three of your six classes to participate
If you have any questions please contact the athletic office, kfurlong@gulllakecs.org!