Home of the Blue Devils
Gull Lake Athletics
Boys Girls Middle School Cross Country
Team News.
4.0 years ago @ 8:45PM
** At this time we plan to move forward with a 2020 MS Cross Country season. We will update everyone as needed if things change.
First Practice: Monday, August 24, 4:30 - 5:45 pm
Please meet at the outdoor pavilion located in the HIGH SCHOOL bus circle.
Practice will be Monday through Friday, starting at 4:30 for the week of August 24 - 28.
All athletes must be registered and forms completed on planeths.com. This is our new online registration system for athletics. Instructions can be found here.
In order to be better prepared for the first week of practice please refer to this document from Coach Howard on pre season running.
Pre Season Running Options
Runners are divided into running groups based on their running level
(follow the pre season plan that fits your level):
Blue runners: Runners who are new to the sport (formerly panthers)
White runners: Runners who can run 1/2 mile to 1 mile without stopping (formerly jaguars)
Devil runners: Runners who can run 1+ miles without having to stop (formerly cheetahs)
COVID-19 Safety Regulations
While we strongly feel that outdoor activity is extremely beneficial to our students for both their physical and mental health, we do want to make sure we are doing this safely. Below are some general guidelines we will follow.
1. All athletes, parents and coaches MUST be wearing masks upon arrival to practice. Once activity begins athletes can remove their masks if they choose to.
2. Hand sanitizer will be on site; however we encourage each athlete to bring their own.
3. Any equipment used (which is minimal in cross country) will be sanitized regularly.
4. Athletes should bring their own water bottles. No community water, or sharing of water will be allowed.
5. Athletes will be required to complete an online health screen prior to arrival as well as an on site temperature check. PLEASE! If you are exhibiting symptoms or feeling sick, please stay home!